What Your Sleeping Position Says About Your Personality

What Your Sleeping Position Says About Your Personality

What Your Sleeping Position Says About Your Personality

Ever wondered if the way you sleep could reveal something about your personality? It turns out, your preferred sleeping position might offer some insights into your character and personality, who knew?

Here, we explore the most common sleeping positions and what they might say about you!


The Foetal Position

Personality Traits: Sensitive and Introverted

Sleeping curled up in the foetal position is one of the most common sleeping styles, especially among women.

This position, characterised by lying on your side with knees drawn up towards your chest, often suggests a tough exterior but a soft and sensitive inside.

People who sleep this way tend to be more introverted and can be shy when first meeting new people, but they often warm up once they feel more comfortable.


The Plank or Log Position

Personality Traits: Social and Trusting

If you sleep on your side with both arms straight down by your sides, like a log, you are likely to be easy-going, social, and popular.

This position indicates a trusting nature and a belief in the good intentions of others. Log sleepers are often friendly and care about being part of a group.


The Yearner Position


Personality Traits:Open and Suspicious

Yearners sleep on their side with both arms extended out in front, which can be interpreted as if they are reaching for something.

This position suggests an open nature, but with a hint of suspicion. Yearners are open to new experiences and people but can be cautious and slow to trust.

They are often resolute, thoughtful and deliberate in making decisions. An added bonus of the yearner and plank sleeping positions it that it keeps your airways open which can help to reduce snoring!


The Soldier Position

Personality Traits:Reserved and Disciplined

Sleeping flat on your back with arms straight at your sides, like a soldier standing to attention, indicates a reserved and disciplined personality.

Soldier sleepers tend to set high standards for themselves and others, preferring order and structure in their lives. They are generally quiet and can be perfectionists.


The Starfish Position

Personality Traits: Helpful and Good Listeners

Starfish sleepers lie on their backs with arms and legs spread out, resembling…a starfish! This position suggests a personality that is friendly, helpful, and good at listening.

Starfish sleepers are often the ones friends turn to for support and are happy to help whenever they can.


While these interpretations are fun and interesting, it's important to remember that they are generalisations. People are complex, and our sleeping positions can change for various reasons, including comfort, stress, or health conditions.

However, it’s fascinating to think about how our subconscious habits, like the way we sleep, might reflect aspects of our personalities.

Next time you tuck in for the night, take a moment to notice your sleeping position. You might just discover a little more about yourself!

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